Decafino Technology
Allows you to remove caffeine directly from your favorite beverages.
A Bold New Way to Decaf
At Decafino, we have created a new patented technology that allows you to remove caffeine directly from your favorite beverages. The composite caffeine adsorbent, the Decafino beads, acts as magnets that will attract and bind with caffeine molecules through a physical process called adsorption.

On the surface of each Decafino bead, there are tens of thousands of pores that the caffeine molecules can be adhered to, and the properties of these pores have been tweaked to target caffeine molecules specifically, leaving other flavor compounds alone. Thus, creating a low-caffeine, delicious cup of coffee or tea.
The Decafino beads are made from food-grade ingredients that have all been FDA approved as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). The main ingredients are seaweed extract called alginate and a natural mineral called bentonite, produced by a process called microencapsulation.

Microencapsulation is an advanced food processing technology in which the bentonite particles are encapsulated by the alginate material, creating a strong caffeine adsorption capability while being stable over a wide range of temperatures and pH, making it a safe, effective composite caffeine adsorbent.